x elements


September in 2024. Please check official SNS as below.
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AKAAKA Art Pulishing Inc.



2024. 9. 3- 16 "Earth" @Nikon Salon


"Growth" @ Horikawaoike gallery in 2024

framing direction by POETIC SCAPE

History lying on the land

History is hidden even in ordinary landscapes. How is it connected to the present, which is the foundation of our lives, but not always the way we wish? To know the past, we must be proactive. From there, we can contemplate how the future will unfold.

"Faith" @ Okuizumo vineyard in 2024

printed on straw paper with iron sand

Versatile iron and rice

In the Okuizumo region of Shimane, mountains cut down for iron sand extraction for tatara iron production have been converted into terraced rice paddies. The usefulness of iron and rice as the foundation of humankind. Iron sand from Unnan is mixed with Nita rice as glue and fixed on rice straw paper made in Yasugi.


archival photo by Hiromu SAEKI

The true logic of this world is in the calculus of Probabilities, which takes account of the magnitude of the probability which is, or ought to be, in a reasonable man's mind. – James Clerk Maxwell (1831–1879), Scottish physicist

archival photo by Hiroshi HASHIMOTO

In today's era of high uncertainty, is it possible for an equation to exist that leads from the continuous past to the future? After World War II, Japan achieved impressive economic development driven by manufacturing, but this also led to an uneven distribution of the population, and the problem of depopulation in rural areas. The San’yo and San'in regions of Western Japan, divided by the Chugoku Mountains, typify this pattern. San’yo literally means the sunny side of the mountains, while San'in means the shady side. In the 1960s, a certain city in the San’yo region attracted the world's largest steel mill, and its population doubled. With development, the landscape was completely transformed, making it hard to imagine what the area once looked like. By contrast, a town in the San'in region lost half its population as young people left for urban areas where jobs were plentiful. The traditional iron-making method called ‘tatara,’ the culture of rice cultivation, and the world of myths and legends remain alive in San'in, and are connected to the present day.
Landscapes are the result of people's hopes and desires in the past. If we dig into the background, it becomes possible to calculate backwards. So, based on the present, what does the future hold for each of these regions?

archival photo by Yoshida Exchange Center

archival photo by Takeshi WAKURI

archival photo by Iwao YAMAMOTO

archival photo by Izumo City Cultural Properties Division

archival photo by Sakiko UCHIDA


KG+SELECT 2024 Horikawa-Oike gallery


Iron produces strong tissue,
Rice cultivated a friendly society.
People flock together and get more,
Gathering to share.

Iron and rice, the power of gathering built up
A infectious disease cuts through the old chain.
Even if the city sucks up young people.
Those who are called to the work of putting down roots are also called to the work of putting down roots.

Spinning more richly into the future.


Okuizumo vineyard


The workings of man and nature, in secret.
Under the blazing sun, I escaped the hustle and bustle of Tokyo and walked through the mountains of Shimane, where the culture of tatara, an ancient iron-making technique, still remains. Suddenly, a pleasant breeze brushed the sweat from my skin. I realized that I was at the entrance to a village. It was a moment that made me imagine the emergence of a society that made the most of the geographical advantages of the wildness of human beings.
The more one visits the local community, the more one becomes aware that nature is not something to be manipulated by human beings, but rather something to be communicated with. Even today, rice cakes made from cut bamboos are served at the time of the summer solstice, and straw snakes are offered in the woods around the time of the "kamiaritsuki" month (the month of the gods) to slowly return to the earth.
The richness of the climate also teaches humans to be harsh. Ivy and bushes cover vacant houses, and fruit trees left in depopulated areas attract beasts. Biodiversity and resilience are nurtured in places where the soil (the power to protect) and wind (the power to change) come into friction.
When we feel powerless in the face of the unstoppable decline in birthrates and the aging of society, we should return to this perspective. It is from this very place where the old and the young rub against each other, where the logic of both rural and urban areas can be understood, and where challenges can be overcome.


Nikon Salon